How to Repair Broken False Teeth at Home


Dealing with broken false teeth can be a stressful experience, especially if you're unsure about how to address the issue. While it's essential to consult with a dental professional for comprehensive repairs, there are temporary solutions you can try at home to tide you over until you can get to the dentist. In this DIY guide, we'll explore some practical steps and tips on how to repair broken false teeth in emergency situations, emphasizing the importance of seeking professional assistance for a long-term solution.

I. Assess the Damage:

Before attempting any repairs, carefully assess the extent of the damage to your false teeth. Understanding the nature of the break will help you determine whether a temporary fix is feasible or if professional intervention is necessary. Common issues include a clean break, a chipped tooth, or a loose fitting.

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II. Gather Necessary Materials:

Dental Adhesive:

Dental adhesive or denture glue is a temporary fix that can hold broken false teeth together. This adhesive is available over the counter at most pharmacies.

Denture Repair Kit:

Denture repair kits are designed for at-home fixes and can include materials like bonding agents and replacement teeth. These kits are available online or at some drugstores.

Emery Board or Sandpaper:

For smoothing rough edges after a repair, an emery board or fine sandpaper can be handy.

Mirror and Good Lighting:

A well-lit space and a mirror will help you see the details of the damage and the progress of your repair.

III. Temporary Solutions for Different Issues:

Clean Break:

If your false teeth have cleanly broken into two pieces, carefully align the pieces and use dental adhesive or a denture repair kit to bond them together. Follow the product instructions for the best results. Avoid using excessive adhesive, as it may interfere with the fit of your false teeth.

Chipped Tooth:

For a chipped tooth, a denture repair kit can be used to fill in the missing portion. Follow the kit instructions, and be cautious not to alter the shape or size of the tooth significantly. Smooth the repaired area with an emery board or sandpaper.

Loose Fitting:

If your false teeth are loose, denture adhesive can provide a temporary solution to improve the fit. Apply the adhesive according to the instructions, and avoid using too much, as it may lead to discomfort or alter your bite.

IV. Step-by-Step Repair Process:

Clean the False Teeth:

Before attempting any repairs, ensure that your false teeth are clean. Gently brush them with a soft-bristled brush and mild soap to remove any debris or adhesive residue.

Dry the Broken Parts:

For effective bonding, the broken parts of your false teeth need to be dry. Use a clean, dry cloth or tissue to pat them dry thoroughly.

Apply Adhesive or Repair Material:

Follow the instructions on the dental adhesive or denture repair kit. Apply the adhesive or bonding material to the broken parts, making sure to align them accurately.

Hold the Parts Together:

Press the broken parts together firmly and hold them in place according to the product instructions. This allows the adhesive or bonding material to set properly.

Remove Excess Material:

After the repair has set, use an emery board or fine sandpaper to smooth any excess adhesive or bonding material. Be gentle to avoid altering the shape of the false teeth.

Test the Fit:

Once the repair is complete, test the fit of your false teeth. If they feel uncomfortable or if there are any issues with your bite, consult with a dentist for professional adjustments.

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V. When to Seek Professional Help:

While these DIY solutions can offer a temporary fix, it's crucial to recognize their limitations. Seeking professional help is essential for the following scenarios:

Severe Damage:

If the damage to your false teeth is extensive, attempting a home repair may not be sufficient. Consult a dentist for a comprehensive assessment and appropriate solutions.

Ill-Fitting Dentures:

If your false teeth no longer fit properly, attempting to address the issue at home may lead to further problems. A dentist can assess the fit and make necessary adjustments or recommend new dentures if needed.

Broken Metal Components:

If your false teeth have metal components that are broken or damaged, DIY repairs are not advisable. Consult with a dentist who can address the specific challenges posed by metal components.


Repairing broken false teeth at home can be a convenient and cost-effective solution in emergency situations. However, it's important to view these DIY fixes as temporary measures until you can consult with a dental professional. Regular dental check-ups and proper care of your false teeth are essential for preventing issues and ensuring their longevity. If you encounter significant damage or persistent discomfort, do not hesitate to seek the expertise of a dentist to address the problem effectively and ensure the optimal health of your oral hygiene.

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